Dear Dr. Blau,

Seventeen years ago I was in a near fatal car accident in White Plains, NY. I suffered a fractured skull, scalp laceration, and loss of blood. Lucky for me, you were the surgeon on call that evening for White Plains Hospital. Though I was in and out of consciousness I was awake while you sewed my scalp back together. It took over 60 stitches and included part of my forehead. Lucky for me (and my family) I have no visible scars and we thank you/your talents for the lack of scar.

While you were stitching me up you did your best to comfort me and keep me coherent with simple conversation. During this conversation I informed you that I would name my first born after you. I was twenty years old at the time. Though I was far from being married or even wanting children I guess in my foggy state it was my way of thanking you for keeping me calm and taking care of me.

I obviously never forgot my trauma or the promise I made to you at this time. I am proud to say I gave birth February 28, 2007 to a beautiful baby boy. He was proudly named Samuel Mordcai, though we call him Samuel Kai for short. I have enjoyed explaining the reason behind his name (his first name was in honor of my Grandmother that had recently passed).

It occurred to me while explaining to all others where Mordcai came from, I should inform the actual person! I’m sure you often receive many thanks for your beautiful work, but how often does a patient name their child after you? Now you can say at least one thankful patient did!

Enclosed is a picture of Samuel Mordcai – enjoy!

Dr. Blau Patient