Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders:Before & After Photos

Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY

Case #20

Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders



Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders
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Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders
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Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders
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Patient: 20
Age: 38
Location: Yonkers, Westchester County, New York
Post-Op Gynecomastia in Bodybuilders Photos: 1 Year

About this Bodybuilder Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction Surgery: This patient, a 38 year old male, was a bodybuilder as a teenager and subsequently a true gynecomastia condition appeared. The patient always was in great shape which just made the large breasts more prominent. Because of this frustration, a few years ago the patient had liposuction of the breast with another plastic surgeon, but had no improvement. The large male breasts grew even larger.

After interviewing a few plastic surgeons about gynecomastia surgery , the patient came to our office. Subtotal excision of the mammary gland was done through a sub-areolar incision of 1 inch long along the border of the lower areola and chest skin.

The specimen that was excised was extremely large and the weight was 110 grams (one-half pound). There was no need for liposuction.

The patient is one year post-op and the chest is looking better with no reoccurrence of the gynecomastia condition.

Individual Results May Vary