Body Lift:Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY
Case #4

Patient: 4
Age: 56
Location: Fairfield County, CT (Connecticut)
Post-Op Body Lift Photos: 1 Year
About this Body Lift Procedure:Patient is a registered nurse and was referred to my office by a New York plastic surgeon. She had a vertical abdominal scar from previous surgeries and did not wish to have bariatric surgery. Her goal was to deal first with her over hanging abdominal skin and fatty tissue.
She underwent an extensive abdominoplasty with removal of excess skin and fat from her abdomen and tightening of the abdominal muscle. Four months later, an additional liposuction of the waist, back and pubic area was done to improve her body contour.
The patient is pleased with her improved body contour and we are now talking about thigh lift surgery.