Body Lift:Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY
Case #2

Patient: 2
Age: 50
Location: Westchester County, NY (New York)
Post-Op Body Lift Photos: 9 Months
About this Body Lift Procedure: This lovely 50 year old lady lost a great deal of weight (over 110 lb after bariatric surgery in January 2003). This resulted in a long vertical scar on her abdomen. Her chief complaint was loose hanging skin on her abdomen, breast, thighs and arms.
In 2003, patient underwent extensive tummy tuck with muscle tightening and breast lift in combination with a breast augmentation. Minor revision and liposuction of the abdomen was done after the 1st surgery. The patient was very happy with the overall new look. So much so that in 2006 I performed a thigh lift with similarly good results which further improved the patient’s overall aesthetic appearance.