Adolescents (14-19):Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY
Case #33

Patient: 33
Age: 16
Location: Gynecomastia London England Great Britain GB Male Breast Reduction
Post-Op Gynecomastia in Adolescents Photos: 1 week
This 16-year-old male patient from London, England who presented to Dr. Blau’s office with a severe form of Gynecomastia. His enlarged Male breasts were interfering in his daily life to the point that he was skipping school because of teasing from his peers. In a consultation with the teenager, his parents, and his pediatrician, it was decided that Male Breast Reduction surgery was needed in this early stage of his life, not only to improve this boy’s physical appearance, but also to help his psychological development. Typically tubular or severe cases, as can be seen in the above photos, do not resolve on their own (mild cases may dissolve by age17). Post Surgery, the teenager no longer had body issues and his entire outlook has improved. Surgery for this boy was the right course of action.