Adolescents (14-19):Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY
Case #32

Patient: 32
Age: 16
Location: Gynecomastia Los Angeles California Male Breast Reduction
Post-Op Gynecomastia in Adolescents Photos: 1 year
This 16-year-old male patient is 5’ 9”, weighing 175 lbs. His Gynecomastia condition started at the early age of eight. He was conscious of it from 12 years of age when his peers started teasing him about his large “man boobs”. Worried about his psychological development, his parents called Dr. Blau for a consultation after being referred by the boy’s pediatrician. Upon discussion, the teen and his parents elected to have Male Breast Reduction Surgery. They traveled from Los Angeles for Dr. Blau’s expertise. As expected, the outcome gave the patient much more confidence and made him happy. His parents are especially pleased that their son is now active in school sports and is no longer avoiding social situations.