Adolescents (14-19):Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY
Case #28
Patient: 28
Age: 16
Location: San Antonio Texas
Post-Op Gynecomastia in Adolescents Photos: 1 year
This 16-year-old patient was suffering from Gynecomastia since age 11. He did not take off his shirt in front of other people and did not like to participate in gym and other physical activities. He has been conscious about his enlarged male breasts, researched the condition online, and then complained to his parents about his Gynecomastia. His parents and he came to Dr. Blau looking for a positive solution to this problem. They were comfortable with the procedure when they found that Dr. Blau is an award-winning sculptor and painter and an accomplished author and world authority regarding gynecomastia surgery. During the procedure, the head and tail of the glandular tissue was excised followed by liposculpture. The incision is in an inconspicuous area underneath the areola and it will not show. After the surgery, the young man finally had a better self-image and was able to join activities again.