Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders:Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY
Case #10

Patient: 10
Age: 26
Location: Newark, New Jersey (NJ)
Post-Op Gynecomastia in Bodybuilders Photos: 1 Year
This 26 year old athlete from Newark, NJ came to Dr. Blau for treatment of his unequal and asymmetrical chest. Gynecomastia occurs due to the formation of glandular tissue on top of the muscles of the chest, resulting in the breasts to become enlarged. In this patient’s case, one breast developed more tissue than the other, resulting in the asymmetry. Dr. Blau’s reputation as the top plastic surgeon for treatment of Gynecomastia convinced the patient to proceed with the male breast reduction surgery after consulting with several plastic surgeons about his unilateral Gynecomastia. Surgery included the excision of the glandular tissue. No liposuction was performed because as a bodybuilder, the patient has very low body fat. The patient is tremendously happy with his results and now has more confidence as an athlete. Dr. Blau is renowned world-wide as the leading authority in Gynecomastia surgery and sees patients from across the country, such as Sacramento, CA, Chicago, IL, and Miami, FL. Call (914)-428-4700 to set up a consultation.